
Elastomer, any rubbery material composed of long chainlike molecules, or polymers, that are capable of recovering their original shape after being stretched to great extents—hence the name elastomer, from “elastic polymer.” Under normal conditions the long molecules making up an elastomeric material are irregularly coiled. With the application of force, however, the molecules straighten out in the direction in which they are being pulled. Upon release, the molecules spontaneously return to their normal compact, random arrangement.

The elastomer with the longest history of use is polyisoprene, the polymer constituent of natural rubber, which is made from the milky latex of various trees, most usually the Hevea rubber tree. Natural rubber is still an important industrial polymer, but it now competes with a number of synthetics, such as styrene- butadiene rubber and butadiene rubber, which are derived from by-products of petroleum and natural gas. This article reviews the composition, structure, and properties of both natural and synthetics elastomers. For a description of their production and processing into useful products, see rubber. For a full explanation of the materials from which elastomers are made, see chemical of industrial polymer.

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